1 Jan 2012

Hello 2012 don't you look nice!

Out with the old - in with the new...welcome to the new year 2012!!

2011 witnessed plenty of memorable moments:
 The Royal Wedding
Killing of Osama Bin Laden
9/11 remembrance 10 years
London riots
Japan tsunami
News of the World exposed phone hacking & closed down
Death of Amy Winehouse
Oslo shootings
Killing of Gaddafi
Death of Kim Jong-Il
Dr Conrad Murray found guilty of manslaughter

In 2011 I said goodbye to loved ones, shared amazing moments with friends and family, befriended great people and became a stronger person. 
I don't like to have NY resolutions as for me they are pointless - I don't stick to them. I have one single aim and goal in life, and that is to live life to the fullest.
Let's see what 2012 will bring and embrace everything that happens.

I hope you have a great start to the year and wish you every ounce of happiness!
Em xxx

1 comment:

I read every single one of you're comments so thank you for taking the time to leave one. Much Love!